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Meet Dean Rebecca Seibert

Staff Feature

Meet Dean Rebecca Seibert

When you arrive at PUC and begin exploring your new home away from home, you’ll likely want to know just who is in charge of your living space. We’ve made that easy for you! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be featuring all of our residence hall deans here on the blog so you can get to know them all. And if you need to contact them, feel free to reach out!

Name: Rebecca Seibert
Dean of: Winning Hall
Phone: (707) 965-6285
Dean since: 2016

Let’s start at the beginning: What were you doing before you became a dean here?

I actually worked in Winning Hall as a resident assistant from 2005-2008, but just prior to starting as PUC staff, I was serving as the chaplain at Thunderbird Academy in Arizona. Prior to that, I was a teacher and assistant dean at Fletcher Academy in North Carolina for seven years.

So what does your day typically look like?

Being a dean means there isn’t a set pattern for the day, but most days I get to the office and do the daily paperwork, and then I tackle whatever task I need to for that day, whether it be following up on student issues, making sure dorm maintenance is getting taken care of, scheduling my staff, or planning residence hall programming. I also serve on several committees so my afternoon may have meetings as well. Then, if it’s my night off, I head home to hang out with my husband and pets (two cats and two dogs). If it is one of my nights on, then I take a little personal time in the afternoon and head back to the office between 6 and 7 to be available for students until around 11 p.m. or midnight.

And what is it that you love about your job?

When you are able to make a breakthrough with a student that struggles, and see their life change for the better, especially when it comes to their relationship with the Lord, that is one of the best things.

We know deans are constantly on the job, but when you have spare time, what are some of your hobbies?

I love reading and watching movies.

What do you love most about PUC?

PUC feels like home to me. I have loved it from the moment I became a student here in 2004, and I have been incredibly blessed the Lord brought me back here. I love my coworkers and I love being a part of something that has the power to change lives.

When you were a kid, what was it you thought you’d be when you grew up?

I remember wanting to be a math teacher when I was a kid. I got to be that for a while at Fletcher, but by the time I was in college, I wanted to a dean at the college level, and the Lord brought me back to PUC to do just that.

So what was your major here at PUC?

I got a B.S. in natural science with an emphasis in physics.

All right, let’s get a little personal: Tell me something you obsessively collect.

My husband and I collect movies. We have over 350 now and almost 100 seasons of various TV shows. One of the reasons I love to collect movies is because there are so many different things you can enjoy about a good movie, and I love to watch my favorites over and over again. It’s also a nice hobby to have because my husband has some major health issues, so we can’t go out a lot. Movies give us a way to escape for a bit and enjoy something new and exciting.

Wow, that is a lot of movies! Do you have a favorite?

One of my favorite movies is the older BBC Pride and Prejudice mini-series. I love the era, and I love that it has such a wonderful story without all the nonsense Hollywood seems to think is necessary for “good” storytelling. It is just a clean and beautiful look at a time when things were less complicated. Plus, Austen was such an amazing writer, and I love how she developed the characters and their interactions, and the BBC production really held true to that.

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