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Pioneers Profile: Ryann Van Horn

AthleticsStudent Profile

Pioneers Profile: Ryann Van Horn

From Palm Springs is PUC’s women’s soccer defense player, Ryann Van Horn. As a freshman nursing student, balancing school and sports is challenging regardless of sport or major. She balances both through time management and keeping a weekly agenda with everything due throughout the week.

“I also plan my day by the hour the night before,” shares Ryann. “This ensures that I have time for everything in my day that needs to get done. Time management is a necessity if you are planning on being a successful student-athlete.”

What drew you to PUC athletics over another college or university? 

PUC athletics has many unique qualities that pulled me towards becoming a Pioneer. The coaching staff is very interpersonal. Coach G and Shane are both very caring and put in effort to know and care for their players. Additionally, my teammates are my sisters. Everyone on the team gets along, and we all work for each other on and off the field. The close-knit bond we have on this team is like no other soccer team I have ever played for. That’s why PUC was my top choice. We are a family. 

What values have you learned by being on the team? 

While being on this team, I have learned sisterhood. On the other competitive teams I have played for, competition was between each other. However, with this team, the competition is us vs. them. This has taught me that I can be competitive while lifting others with me. 

What’s your pregame song? 

My pregame song is Family Ties by Baby Keem and Kendrick Lamar. 

What is your favorite thing about being a part of the Pioneers family? 

My favorite part about being a part of the Pioneer family is the family-like bonds that I have made. We have a close-knit connection between the staff and the girls on the team. I like how I can rely on my teammates for any problem or comfort I need. This type of close connection is like no other at PUC. 

Can you share any advice for high school students interested in being a college athlete? 

My advice for high school students is to find out their priorities. If you prioritize school, picking a highly competitive team will make it hard to balance a hard major and sport. However, if you’re prioritizing sports, then make sure your major isn’t going to be overbearing. Balance is key, and knowing your limits and your drive is what is going to lead you to success. 

Do you have a favorite athlete? 

My favorite athlete is Simone Biles because she has gone through many tribulations and still persevered to love her sport along with many accomplishments. 

What are other things you enjoy doing or are passionate about outside of sports? 

Outside of sports, I enjoy hiking and rock climbing. In my free time, you will find me in the back 40 or on PUC’s rock climbing wall.

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